Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snowed In

So today is the second day of a major winter storm here in the northeast. Got 13" yesterday and then half of it melted. We're set to get another 8" or so today and then wind. Needless to say, we're probably not going anywhere today, so while my daughter watches "Curious Buddies" on the Farm, (an awesome children's DVD series I might add) I thought I would start getting into my new blog.

Since I've really been ramping up my eBay business lately, I wanted to write a little about that. With jobless rates at an all time high in this struggling economy, selling goods online is a great way to make money and fairly fast. My business is Clothes Horse New York and my eBay name is clotheshorsenewyork. I sell everything from vintage items and collectibles, to men, women and children's clothes to toys, pet items and everything in between. Selling personal items that you don't need or want anymore is a great way to get started and get the cash coming in.

In the coming days I will share some tips on how to get started with selling on eBay and even share some of my secrets along the way.


If you’re a stay at home mom who experiences challenges and triumphs both big and small every day, this is the blog for you. You will laugh, possibly cringe and hopefully learn and be inspired through this blog. I will chronicle my daily life as a mother to a toddler, wife, daughter, daughter in law, sister, sister in law, friend and entrepreneur. I will share how I make money from home, how I save money and shop smart, post coupons, recipes, photos, product reviews, household tips and everything in between.
I look forward to writing for you and maybe even learning more about myself in the process.